“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9

January 11, 2012

~ Life is like that ~

Sometimes when you want to feel excited, but you feel sad inside, you don't listen to the tiny voice telling you to chillax. It is hard, it does feel exactly like there is a devil and an angel on your shoulders. 

Like when the bus driver completely ignores you, and drives straight past you like you are a road sign. Like when you have the most complicated math homework in the world you don't have the strength to even comprehend what the homework is. Like when you cannot understand how someone so awesome can feel that way in the dump. Like when you want to lie immobile in bed and do without theory of knowledge for just one more day. And to finish off with slush all way. 

I mean, I react to things in the most positive way. Normally. Going back to the devil and angel thingy, there are actually three pixalots on my shoulders. One telling me to stay in the safety of my bed, another telling me to sleep for two more minutes, and one telling me to get up as to not tempt myself anymore than I had. If I had listened to the devil, I would have wasted away one of my so few codes that I barely even liked. But then again, got ridden of the slightest possibility that I could pass through to the next year. If I have listened to the 'goody, goody angel', I like to call her the 'goody, goody angel to make myself feel better, I would have made that bus and aced that math class and above all, my leggings would not have become unusually cold and spotty from the slush, as I was running to catch the next bus that I missed. 

Nope, sometimes you listen to the one in between. The average angel.

Going on with my story, this is probably an average day for many teens, or is it just me, who have too few things to do in one day. I like to say that I do get all done, but I have to say that the three quarters that I do finally accomplish before midnight is not something that should be done. 

For example, you cannot start taking theory of knowledge seriously and wondering why the sky is blue, and if the sun will rise tomorrow.  .

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